[Mne_analysis] mne_make_movie

Diana Omigie d.omigie at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 18:06:25 EST 2012
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I am trying to save images from an stc file using the code below.

mne_make_movie \
    --subject fsaverage \
    --smooth 5 \
    --stcin '/Users/bullshot/Desktop/stc/
Grand_audiominusAV_dSPM_inv' \
    --tmin -200 \
    --tmax 600 \
    --tstep 100 \
    --pickrange \
    --noscalebar \
    --nocomments \
    --jpg '/Users/bullshot/Desktop/stc/Grand_audiominusAV_dSPM_inv.jpg' \
    --fthresh 0  --fmid 0.0666  --fmax 0.1

However I get an error saying 'no such file or directory' ( exact output
below) and obtain a jpg file that 'cannot be opened because it is empty'. I
would be grateful for any insights.


mne_make_movie version 1.34 compiled at Dec 21 2009 19:51:06
Create movies and tif, rgb, jpeg, png, or w files  using a precomputed
inverse operator decomposition

stc input file         :
JPEG output            : /Users/bullshot/Desktop/stc/output.jpg
                         The input stc file will be assumed to contain
current expectation value data
Subject                : fsaverage
Visualization surface  : inflated
                         Process both hemispheres
Magnification factor   : 1.00
    fthresh           : 0.00
    fmid              : 0.07
    fslope            : 29.94
    fmax              : 0.10


600 x 400 off-screen rendering initialized.
Selected view called 'lat'


read stc file /Users/bullshot/Desktop/stc/Grand_audiominusAV_dSPM_inv-lh.stc
read stc file /Users/bullshot/Desktop/stc/Grand_audiominusAV_dSPM_inv-rh.stc


Loading inflated surfaces for subject fsaverage...

Triangle file : created by nicks on Wed Aug 15 21:20:39 2007 nvert = 163842
ntri = 327680
    Triangle and vertex normals and neighboring triangles...[done]
    Vertex neighbors...[done]
    Distances between neighboring vertices...[983040 distances done]
Triangle file : created by nicks on Wed Aug 15 21:20:57 2007 nvert = 163842
ntri = 327680
    Triangle and vertex normals and neighboring triangles...[done]
    Vertex neighbors...[done]
    Distances between neighboring vertices...[983040 distances done]


Parameters set.


No movie production requested.


Some timeframes selected. Outputting jpeg files (from stc files)

MNE at t =     0.0 ms...lh : 0       .. 0       ave = 0       rh : 0
.. 0       ave = 0
system : No such file or directory
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