[Mne_analysis] Unable to read curry file using read_raw_curry

Abhijith Mundanad Narayanan mabhijithn at fastmail.com
Sat Feb 8 06:24:11 EST 2020
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I am facing the following error while trying to read a curry file. The 
filename argument of /read_raw_curry/ is passed without any extension. 
The directory of files contains /.ceo, .dap, .dat /and /.rs3 /files with 
the same name. I have been using MATLAB to read the files till now. I am 
new to MNE-python, therefore please consider this a novice level question.

The error is shown below.



    data_path = '/media/abhijith/CE87-7A9F/EEG-256-AAD-Raw/S23/'
    file_name = 'S23_AAD_1L'
    fullfile = data_path+file_name
    S23_1L_raw = mne.io.read_raw_curry(fullfile)

    ValueError                                Traceback (most recent
    call last)
    ~/Documents/python/example_scripts/test_aad.py in
           2 file_name = 'S23_AAD_1L'
           3 fullfile = data_path+file_name
    ----> 4 S23_1L_raw = mne.io.read_raw_curry(fullfile)

      in read_raw_curry(fname, preload, verbose)

    in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
          88             with use_log_level(verbose_level):
          89                 return function(*args, **kwargs)
    ---> 90         return function(*args, **kwargs)
          91     return FunctionMaker.create(
          92         function, 'return decfunc(%(signature)s)',

    in read_raw_curry(fname, preload, verbose)
         273     """
    --> 274     return RawCurry(fname, preload, verbose)

      in __init__(self, fname, preload, verbose)

    in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
          88             with use_log_level(verbose_level):
          89                 return function(*args, **kwargs)
    ---> 90         return function(*args, **kwargs)
          91     return FunctionMaker.create(
          92         function, 'return decfunc(%(signature)s)',

    in __init__(self, fname, preload, verbose)
         297         curry_paths = _get_curry_file_structure(fname,
    298 "data",
    --> 299 "labels"])
         301         data_fname = op.abspath(curry_paths.data)

    in _get_curry_file_structure(fname, required)
          50     # we don't use os.path.splitext to also handle
    extensions like .cdt.dpa
    ---> 51     fname_base, ext = fname.split(".", maxsplit=1)
          52     version = _get_curry_version(ext)

    ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

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