[Homer-users] DOT Systems evaluation

Chris Soraghan NUIM christopher.j.soraghan at nuim.ie
Wed Sep 5 07:31:44 EDT 2007
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Hi All, 

On a NIRS hardware issue, not directly related to HomER, does anyone have any views, opinions or experience with which DOT imaging system (commercially available) is the best. PMI have listed some companies selling DOT systems and equipment here http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/PMI/resources/nirsnet/companies.htm

I realise this is a very loose request since the "best" system is dependent on many factors especially on the application and whither there is a need for semi-custom changes. Our main concerns would be:
     update speed (closeness to real-time imaging), 

The other concerns would be:
Noise Equivalent Power, 
Channel Cross Talk,
Dynamic Range,
Power Delivery to tissue,
Stability (long-term),
Digital Resolution,
Settling time,

The application would be for quasi real-time functional brain imaging (motor, cognitive and possibly many other areas on cortex), but also, would be used for other psychological studies that I am unaware of (different project). 

I am not asking anyone to go and do a search of all the systems available and report to me, that would be very lazy of me :o) I am just wondering could you give me breif evaluation (as long as you want) of any system you have used personally or one that you know of or have an opinion on. I would be most grateful since realising a better device later on would be a costly mistake. Any comment is welcome...

Thank you for your time,

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