[Homer-users] SD question

Wijeakumar, Sobanawartiny sobanawartiny-wijeakumar at uiowa.edu
Tue Mar 3 02:56:06 EST 2015
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Hi all

We are looking to fix the source and detector positions  of our SD matrix (rough 2D geometry - z dimension with all zeros created using SDGui) in our fNIRS files with actual measurements from our digitized points obtained from our Polhemus system (x,y and z dimensions - but in mm). I replaced the values in the SourcPos and DetPos arrays and ran through our processing stream. It worked without errors and I obtained similar block average waveforms as before fixing it , but the units are much smaller.

Has anyone attempted to do this and had the same experience? Also, should I be changing anything else in the SD structure or any other matrix? Are there any other things I should be accounting for when I introduce 3D measurements into the calculations?

Any thoughts/suggestions/comments would be welcome and appreciated.



Sobana Wijeakumar, PhD    B-Eng
Postdoctoral Research Scholar

 E1 Seashore Hall
Department of Psychology
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242

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