[Homer-users] AtlasViewer Register to digpts

Jonathan Perry walwynperry at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 17:34:08 EDT 2017
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Hello all,

I have previously used a digitizer to digitize coordinates but am now
attempting to deal without one.  I have used the NIRx montage editor which
inputs 3d coords, and I have also used the AtlasViewer probe utility.

Both have built the probe nearly exactly as I expected and the points
appear in the AtlasViewer 3d space.  With the NIRx montage editor I had to
swap the y and z coordinates to have them lay appropriately over the atlas
(otherwise it looks like bunny ears sticking out of a head).  With the
Probe utility, I am unable to produce an atlas.

Regardless of method, I am unable to "register atlas to digpts" as it is
consistently greyed out.

I am having difficulty labelling fiducials in AV probe utility as I am
unsure what labels ar/al lie under.  But have labeled T7, T8, Cz, Iz, Nz.

I am using the developer's version of Homer2/AV, the NIRx2nirs conversion
script available through NIRx, Matlab 2016a, Windows 10.

Any help would be appreciated, my end goal is to utilize the Hb Conc
overlay function in developer's version of AV.

Jonathan Perry

Master's Student

Department of Engineering Technology

University of Houston

 4734 Calhoun Rd., Room# 123

Houston, TX 77204-4021

Tel: ( <%28713%29%20743-4159>512)925-4910
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