[Mne_analysis] plotting from MATLAB

Gustavo Sudre gsudre at pobox.com
Sun Sep 20 15:34:35 EDT 2009
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I see that the MNE toolbox has some functions to import Freesurfer  
surfaces into MATLAB, but I'm having trouble figuring out what's the  
correct surface to load if I want to plot my source localization  
results from within MATLAB. Basically, what I do now is write a .stc  
file in MATLAB and then open it in MNE to see the results of my  
analysis overlaid on the brain. I'd like to be able to import the  
surface into MATLAB and plot these results without having to write  
the .stc file.

The problem I have now is finding the surface that matches the correct  
number of vertices I have in my solution. Should I be able to load any  
of the surfaces in $SUBJECTS_DIR/mysubject/surf, and matching the  
vertex number in the info structure from the source localized data,  
plot the results in MATLAB? If so, do I just assume the results for  
the vertices not present in the info structure to be zero?



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