[Mne_analysis] mne_forward_solution problem

Krieger, Donald N. kriegerd at upmc.edu
Thu Feb 25 11:01:38 EST 2010
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Dear List,

I have a list of 1 source for which I am attempting to get an ECD solution using mne_forward_solution.

I have been unable to get the routine to pay attention to the dipole moment information in the source .fif file.  Here is the text contents of the file produced by mne_list_source_space:
# CoordinateSystem "Head"
# begin   end  X (mm)  Y (mm)  Z (mm) Q(nAm) Qx(nAm) Qy(nAm) Qz(nAm)    g/%
      1     1    10.0    10.0     0.0   10.0    2.67    5.35    8.02  100.0
## Name "ALL dipoles" Style "Dipoles2"

When executing, mne_forward_solution shows the message:
Computing MEG at 1 source locations (free orientations, no threads)...done.

It yields a different answer if I alter 1 or more of the coordinates of the dipole.  But it ignores the dipole moment specifications.

Here are the switches I am using:
        ${HOME}MegShells/MNE/mne_forward_solution                                       \
                --src ./SrcSpaceFiles/fsaverages/${SSasciiFile}Src.fif                         \
                --accurate --meg                                                                             \
                --origin 0:0:0                                                                                                      \
                --mricoord                                                                                                               \
                --meas ${HOME}/MegData/30Nov2009Sub103/30Nov2009Sub103Sess3_raw.fif     \
                --trans ./SrcSpaceFiles/fsaverages/fsaverage-trans.txt --fwd TestFwd.fif

When I load the forward solution into Matlab in structure A using mne_read_forward_solution, the dipole moment specifications do show up correctly in A.src.nn .  But the actual numbers listed for the forward solution do not change.

If I could either get mne_forward_solution to use the dipole moment I give it or if I could identify the dipole moment it actually used, I could go forward.  Your direction would be most welcome on this.  Thanks.


Don Krieger, Ph.D., D.ABNM
Department of Neurological Surgery
University of Pittsburgh

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