[Mne_analysis] Do I need to setup mri and do watershed etc procedure every time I re-analyze the data

Mingbo Cai mcai at cpu.bcm.edu
Thu Jun 2 17:04:31 EDT 2011
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Hi Alex,
Thanks very much. I just read my log files again. And I think the possible reason is that I once used different way of naming the subject ID, and then I unified the way of naming and changed all the surface file names accordingly. Although the contents of the files are for the correct subjects, maybe there is still information in the file that reflects the previously used subject IDs. This did not cause problem in all the processing scripts but maybe mne_analyze checked for it. Good lesson for me to learn. And sorry for the time it takes you to help checking the scripts.

Mingbo Cai

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexandre Gramfort [mailto:gramfort at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu]
Sent: Thu 6/2/2011 2:55 PM
To: Mingbo Cai
Cc: mne_analysis at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: Re: [Mne_analysis] Do I need to setup mri and do watershed etc procedure every time I re-analyze the data
Hi Mingbo,

I don't find something obviously wrong in your scripts.

My only recommendation is to make sure that the source space that is
used to generate the forward and inverse solutions are the same and are
actually coming from the very same subject that you use in mne_analyze.


On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 8:49 PM, Mingbo Cai <mcai at cpu.bcm.edu> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> Because recently I found some strange result while I did not compute
> signal-space projection(SSP) at the beginning, I decided to re-analyze the
> data with SSP.
> As my understanding from the Fig 3.1 of the manual (the workflow), the steps
> of mne_setup_mri, alignment, mne_watershed, mne_setup_forward_model are
> independent from the calculation of average and noise-covariance. On the
> other hand, it seems that only in the averaging and noise covariance steps I
> need to explicitly use the SSP, I thought I could do only the averaging and
> noise covariance calculation without the above steps, and use the bem and
> surface files generated in the last analysis to go on to
> mne_do_forward_solution and mne_do_inverse_operator. However, after I did
> these, in the mne_analyze interface, it did not allow me to view the source
> estimate on the surface (whenever I click on the timecourse manager window,
> it pops up to say "Surfaces do not match the source spaces. Cannot display
> estimates.") But when i click on the surface, the signal of that vertex can
> be displayed in the bottom-left window.
> When I checked the log file of the outputs of the mne_do_forward_solution
> and mne_do_inverse_operator from the two times of analysis, it seems there
> are no difference except for the part of SSP and the SVD result due to that.
> All the correct files are used when I redo the analysis.
> Does any one has a clue of what is the reason? And am I right that I do not
> need to redo those early steps if I only want to add SSP in my analysis?
> Thanks very much
> Mingbo Cai
> Department of Neuroscience
> Baylor College of Medicine
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