[Mne_analysis] issue with inverse operator (repost)

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 12:51:15 EDT 2011
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I had a problem with the EEG projection vectors affecting MEG channels
as well. However, it only happened on my linux x86_64 install, not on
a linux i686 install or osx installs. As you note, this channel
corruption on x86_64 was fixed in a recent nightly. I assume, then,
that you're running the linux x86_64 nightly?

If so, one thing you could try is generating your inverses using all
four combinations of 1) the last stable release and 2) the latest
nightly combined with 1) the x86_64 linux version and 2) the i686
linux version. (The i686 linux version should run just fine on 64-bit
linux installs.) If you can identify which of the four combinations
suffers from this problem, then it could help narrow down the cause of
the problem.


On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 9:39 AM,  <rsachdev at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> It's been a few weeks, and I am still having trouble with this.
> There seems to be an issue with the inverse operator from the nightly
> build version of MNE.  The activation shown on the brain looks unusal.  I
> am using the nightly build because in the previous versions working with
> SSP for EEG affected the MEG channels and it was fixed in the nightly
> build.  Now, I seem to be running into some trouble when using an inverse
> operator created from both MEG and EEG data, the MEG based inverse
> operator works/looks fine.  Anyone have any work-arounds or solutions?
> Thank you
> -Ricky
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