[Mne_analysis] BabySQUID dipole fit

Alexander Hunold alexander.hunold at tu-ilmenau.de
Thu Aug 2 19:23:57 EDT 2012
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Dear Experts, 

Analyzing MEG and EEG data from spontaneous
recordings of epileptic patients with BabySQUID1, I ran into 3 issues
with the dipole fit procedure.  

1) Preprocessing - Noise covariance
>From my understanding this matrix shall reflect the
interdependencies of different channels with respect to the recorded
noise / background activity. Is that correct? Based on this assumption I
would calculate the noise covariance matrix on a recording segment
without epileptic activity. Would that make sense? Would it be more
appropriate to derive the noise covariance matrix from the entire

2) EEG source localization
Which unit range does MNE expect
as EEG input? When I enable EEG data for source localization (current
density estimate, dipole fit), I receive unrealistically strong sources
in a very deep location. I assume this is due to a scaling issue.  

Bdip content
I would like to display the confidence ellipsoid to a
dipole fitted by MNE and saved in bdip format. From my understanding the
ellipsoid semi-axis parameters are stored in the error matrix. Reading
this into a 5x5 matrix in Matlab, I am not able to determine which
values correspond to the axis. Here an example of an error matrix: 
E =
[-7.8358e-39 0 0 0 0; 0 1.9263e-38 0 3.3224e-31 7.2643e-42; 3.8519e-34
4.2782e+09 0 1.3004e-41 3.4159; 0 -1.1768e-19 2.2510e-41 1.4324e-16
-3.3895e+38; 3.8519e-34 4.2782e+09 0 1.4324e-16 -3.3895e+38] 

 I would
be very glad if you could provide any hints regarding one or more of
these problems. 

Thank you very much in advance.  

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