[Mne_analysis] group dSPM?

Alexandre Gramfort gramfort at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Fri Jun 8 16:26:57 EDT 2012
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if the noise normalization is different for the 3 orientations you
cancel the effect
of the fixed or loose orientation and end up with solutions that look very much
like free orientation solutions.


On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 7:12 PM, Hari Bharadwaj <hari at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Question: Why is the noise normalization the same for the 3 orientations?
> Shouldn't it depend on the 3 lead fields?
> Hari
> On Fri, June 8, 2012 12:01 pm, Alexandre Gramfort wrote:
>>>  If you combine using A = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 (i.e without the square root
>>> or
>>> square what MNE gives you) and if x,y,z are *after noise normalization*,
>>> then it is reasonable to assume that A is chi2 as long as the noise
>>> covariance was computed using a large number of points, I wouldn't be
>>> concerned about variances being different since each has approximately
>>> variance 1 in the null...
>> the noise normalization is the same for x, y and z and as you regularize
>> more the tangential components than the radial I don't think the
>> variance will be
>> the same even when you apply dSPM to noise. But I should check as it's
>> just an intuition.
>>> The maps we have gotten from running long permutation tests at the group
>>> level and then thresholding using this transformation look very similar.
>>> So our current practice is to use this transform and run the usual
>>> parametric analyses and invest time in running permutations as
>>> confirmation once we see something we like.
>> ok. Thanks for sharing your experience.
>> Alex
> --
> Hari Bharadwaj
> PhD Candidate, Biomedical Engineering,
> Boston University
> 677 Beacon St.,
> Boston, MA 02215
> Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
> Massachusetts General Hospital
> 149 Thirteenth Street,
> Charlestown, MA 02129
> hari at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Ph: 734-883-5954
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