[Mne_analysis] (no subject)

董群喜 dongqunxi at gmail.com
Sat Apr 20 01:33:23 EDT 2013
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Dear MNEers,

When I ran plot_mne_inverse_coherence_epochs.py<http://martinos.org/mne/_downloads/plot_mne_inverse_coherence_epochs.py>,
I got the following  errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "plot_mne_inverse_coherence_epochs.py", line 118, in <module>
line 1188, in plot
line 988, in plot_source_estimates
    from surfer import Brain, TimeViewer
ImportError: No module named surfer

Can you give me some suggestions? Thank you!

Yours sincerely,
Qunxi Dong
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