[Mne_analysis] Format of MATLAB mne_read_stc_file output

Stephen Politzer-Ahles politzerahless at gmail.com
Sat Aug 10 16:50:39 EDT 2013
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I am looking for some clarification on the format of the output of
mne_read_stc_file.m . For example, when I run it on one of my files (a left
hemisphere .stc file which was computed morphed to an average brain), I get
a file with 10242 vertices:

        tmin: -0.8000
       tstep: 0.0017
    vertices: [10242x1 uint32]
        data: [10242x780 double]

However, when I read the source space that corresponds to this .stc file (a
source space that was made using --ico 4), it only has 2562 source vertices
per hemisphere (from src(1).vertno):

              id: 101
              np: 163842
            ntri: 327680
     coord_frame: 5
              rr: [163842x3 double]
              nn: [163842x3 double]
            tris: [327680x3 int32]
            nuse: 2562
           inuse: [1x163842 int32]
          vertno: [1x2562 int32]
        nuse_tri: 5120
        use_tris: [5120x3 int32]
         nearest: []
    nearest_dist: []
           pinfo: []
            dist: []
      dist_limit: []

So basically I am just not sure what the 10242 vertices read from my .stc
file correspond to, as that number doesn't correspond to anything I see in
the source space. Based on my reading of lines 40-45 of
mne_label_time_courses.m, it looks to me like the first 2562 vertices in
the stc file correspond to the actual vertices from my source space,
whereas the rest are ignored --- is that true?  (The reason I am interested
in this is because rather than reading in label time courses, I want to try
reading in just the time courses that correspond to the used vertices in
the source space, and then use the triangle information from src.use_tris
and src.tris to identify source vertices that are adjacent to each other
for the purpose of spatio-temporal clustering. In that case, would
stc.data( source(1).vertno, : )  be the way to get just the timecourses
corresponding to source vertices?)

Thank you,

Stephen Politzer-Ahles
New York University, Abu Dhabi
Psychology Department
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