[Mne_analysis] error when initiating a raw object

Dykstra, Andrew Andrew.Dykstra at med.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Jan 8 12:14:47 EST 2013
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Dear MNE community,

I am experiencing an error that I don't understand when trying to create 
a raw object in Python.  The traceback is below, and I only get this 
with the raw files from one subject.  I initially thought that it could 
be due to the abnormally large file sizes of this subject's raw data 
(~700 Mb), but I have one other subject whose raw data were comparable 
and I can create raw objects from those data without issue.

Has anyone experienced this?


error                                     Traceback (most recent call last)
in <module>()
----> 1 

in runfile(filename, args, wdir, namespace)
     485             pass
     486         os.chdir(wdir)
--> 487     execfile(filename, namespace)
     488     sys.argv = ['']
     489     namespace.pop('__file__')

in <module>()
      48     for block in range(2):
      49         fname.append(data_path + '/' + subject + '/meg/' + 
subject + '_block' + str(block+1) + '_cleaned_raw.fif')
---> 50         raw.append(mne.fiff.Raw(fname[block]))
      51         chan.append(raw[block].ch_names)
      52     chan.append([x for x in chan[0] if x not in set(chan[1])])

in dec(*args, **kwargs)
     263             return ret
     264         else:
--> 265             return function(*args, **kwargs)
     267     # set __wrapped__ attribute so ?? in IPython gets the right 

in __init__(self, fnames, allow_maxshield, preload, verbose, proj_active)
      84         raws = [self._read_raw_file(fname, allow_maxshield, 
---> 85                 for fname in fnames]
      87         _check_raw_compatibility(raws)

in dec(*args, **kwargs)
     263             return ret
     264         else:
--> 265             return function(*args, **kwargs)
     267     # set __wrapped__ attribute so ?? in IPython gets the right 

in _read_raw_file(self, fname, allow_maxshield, preload, verbose)
     137         ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1].lower()
     138         whole_file = preload if '.gz' in ext else False
--> 139         fid, tree, _ = fiff_open(fname, preload=whole_file)
     141         #   Read the measurement info

in dec(*args, **kwargs)
     263             return ret
     264         else:
--> 265             return function(*args, **kwargs)
     267     # set __wrapped__ attribute so ?? in IPython gets the right 

in fiff_open(fname, preload, verbose)
      83         while tag.next >= 0:
      84             pos = fid.tell()
---> 85             tag = read_tag_info(fid)
      86             tag.pos = pos
      87             directory.append(tag)

in read_tag_info(fid)
      67     """
      68     s = fid.read(4 * 4)
---> 69     tag = Tag(*struct.unpack(">iiii", s))
      70     if tag.next == 0:
      71         fid.seek(tag.size, 1)

error: unpack requires a string argument of length 16

Andrew R. Dykstra, PhD
Auditory Cognition Lab
Neurologie und Poliklinik
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 400
69120 Heidelberg

"How small the cosmos.  How paltry and puny compared to human consciousness . . . to a single individual recollection." - Vladimir Nabokov

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