[Mne_analysis] adding talairach transforms failed?

Ji Won Bang kirstens03 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 12:07:41 EST 2013
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Dear. MNE users.

When I mne_analyze to coordinate MEG and MRI and load surface(inflated)
(file->load surface->inflated), I get this message.

"adding talairach transforms failed. Warning: transform file not present in
these MRI data"

I checked that $SUBJECT/mri/transforms/talairach.xfm exists for this

Is it a fatal problem that I need to fix? And if it is, how can I fix it?

Please give me any advice!

By the way, if it is related to the reconstruction of mri data, this is the
command that I've run.
recon-all -autorecon1 -subjid $SUBJECT

Thanks a lot.

Ji Won
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