[Mne_analysis] MNE-python plotting evoked responses

Kambiz Tavabi ktavabi at uw.edu
Wed Jul 31 19:34:48 EDT 2013
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I am using the following loop to plot the evoked response iterating over
several different conditions:
# Create the figure (Letter format)
for j, cond in enumerate(['Known', 'Known-ctrl', 'Unknown', 'Unkown-ctrl']):
    figure(num=j, figsize=(8.5,11), dpi=100)
    ax = subplot2grid((4, 2), (j, 0), rowspan=1, colspan=2)
    ax.set_title(r"$MEG evoked field, %s trials$" % cond, fontsize=16)
    evokeds[j].plot(picks=mag_picks, axes=ax)
    # Save to PDF
    #savefig("%s.pdf" % TITLE)

I get the figure(s) I want but I cannot figure out how to set the title.
The above ax.set_title statement seems to do nothing, nor does
evokeds[j].plot(picks=mag_picks, axes=ax, titles=event_ids);
where event_ids = {'Known': 1, 'Known-ctrl': 2, 'Unknown': 3,
'Unkown-ctrl': 4}. In both case the axes title defaults to channel type
e.g., Magnetometers (102 channels). If I follow the example
the above code will generate additional empty axes with the names I want
for each iteration; i.e., inserting the statement: `title ("MEG evoked
field, %s trials" % cond)` into the loop. Could someone please explain this
behavior? Thanks in advance. Kambiz

Kambiz Tavabi PhD
Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences
1715 Columbia Road N
Portage Bay Building
Box 357988
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-7988
Tel: 206-685-6173
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