[Mne_analysis] Concatenating Epochs objects in Python?

Stephen Politzer-Ahles spa268 at nyu.edu
Thu Apr 3 09:42:22 EDT 2014
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Is it possible to concatenate multiple Epochs objects in Python? For
example, if I load one raw fif file and create an object (let's call it
epochs1) with three epochs A, B, and C, and then I load another raw fif
file and create epochs2 with three epochs D, E, and F, what I would like to
do is combine them into a single object with six epochs A, B, C, D, E, F.

I can't find a method for this in the reference and all I see online is
this github discussion
https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python/issues/120where it seems like
this was ultimately not done. Loading multiple raw fif
files is not a good option for me because my files are very large and I
don't have the memory to handle it. I suppose another thing I could do is
load one raw fif file at a time and save its epochs to a new fif file, and
then load the separate epoched .fif files together (if mne.read_epochs
allows this) but I am hoping to avoid saving a bunch of files, I'd rather
just create and concatenate the epochs on the fly if that is possible.

Thank you,

Stephen Politzer-Ahles
New York University, Abu Dhabi
Neuroscience of Language Lab
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