[Mne_analysis] MNEpy stc to label

Kambiz Tavabi ktavabi at uw.edu
Tue Apr 8 15:10:29 EDT 2014
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Hi all,
I am trying to use `mne.stc_to_label` to generate the freesurfer label for
connected non-zero vertices. When I pass the `connected=True` argument I
receive an index error i.e., "index 4098 is out of bounds for axis 0 with
size 4098" at ln 667 of label.py. I am using an oct-6 surface source space
with c. 10000 vertices of which 4098 are in use.

However, when I pass `connected=False` the list of labels is returned. Can
someone tell me why this occurs? and how to get the list of connected


Kambiz Tavabi PhD
Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences
1715 Columbia Road N
Portage Bay Building
Box 357988
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-7988
Tel: 206-685-6173
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