[Mne_analysis] ctf file issues

wgraves at psychology.rutgers.edu wgraves at psychology.rutgers.edu
Wed Jul 30 12:00:48 EDT 2014
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Hello MNE Experts,

In trying to deal with CTF files for the first, time I'm running into some
issues that I don't understand and hope someone can easily help with. I
used the mne_ctf2fiff command to convert to fiff, but I can't visualize
the resulting file in mne_browse_raw (it loads without error but just
looks blank). Similarly, all the steps for loading a segment of the file
as raw data in mne_python work without error, until I do "raw.plot()",
when I get this error:

In [20]: raw.plot()
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-20-d4ffb847f525> in <module>()
----> 1 raw.plot()

/home/wgraves/data/ld_meg/scripts/src/mne/mne/fiff/base.pyc in plot(raw,
events, duration, start, n_channels, bgcolor, color, bad_color,
event_color, scalings, remove_dc, order, show_options, title, show, block)
    846         return plot_raw(raw, events, duration, start, n_channels,
    847                         color, bad_color, event_color, scalings,
--> 848                         order, show_options, title, show, block)
    850     @verbose

/home/wgraves/data/ld_meg/scripts/src/mne/mne/viz.pyc in plot_raw(raw,
events, duration, start, n_channels, bgcolor, color, bad_color,
event_color, scalings, remove_dc, order, show_options, title, show, block)
   2778     inds = np.concatenate(inds).astype(int)
   2779     if not len(inds) == len(info['ch_names']):
-> 2780         raise RuntimeError('Some channels not classified, please
report '
   2781                            'this problem')

RuntimeError: Some channels not classified, please report this problem

Unfortunately, the data were collected in short epochs keyed to the events
rather than continuously. My original plan was to use
mne.fiff.concatenate_raws to concatenate across epochs/events, but I
couldn't figure out how to make that work either (perhaps because I don't
know what the "raw" argument is supposed to look like, and I can't find an

Anyway, I would gratly appreciate any help or insight anyone can share.


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