[Mne_analysis] How is the Source Covariance matrix (R) calculated in the current estimate algorithm

Thinh Nguyen thinhnguyen0405 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 13:21:56 EDT 2014
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Hi MNE users,

I've recently spend a lot of time trying to understand the algorithm used
in MNE software, majorly from this MNE link:
I'm having a hard time understanding how the Source Covariance matrix (R)
is calculated, as the source is unknown. For example, these equations
involved known R to calculate the inverse operator:

[image: \tilde{M} = R \tilde{G}^T (\tilde{G} R \tilde{G}^T + I)^{-1}\ ,]

[image: \tilde{M} = R^{^1/_2} V \Gamma U^T]
It would be great if you can point me to literature references explaining
this algorithm. Thank you in advance.

Thinh Nguyen
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