[Mne_analysis] Issue with mne_setup_source_space

kousik sarathy sarathykousik at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 07:04:29 EST 2014
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I am trying to create a mesh using MNE (following this tutorial:
http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/tutorial/minimumnormestimate). I am using the
Xubuntu virutal box from FreeSurfer. I already carried out the steps in
FreeSurfer successfully.

I then followed the manual to setup MNE and here's what I did. Even then I
get an error saying it cannot find a make_source file.

Is there any solution someone could point out?

Here's the copy of my shell outputs.

root at xubuntu-VirtualBox:~# export
root at xubuntu-VirtualBox:~# $MNE_ROOT/bin/mne_setup_sh

MNE software location set to:    /media/sf_J_DRIVE/MNE-2.7.4-3436-Linux-i686
MATLAB software not available

root at xubuntu-VirtualBox:~# $MNE_ROOT/bin/mne_setup

MNE software location set to:    /media/sf_J_DRIVE/MNE-2.7.4-3436-Linux-i686
MATLAB software not available

root at xubuntu-VirtualBox:~# echo $SHELL
root at xubuntu-VirtualBox:~# export SUBJECT=014_NJO
root at xubuntu-VirtualBox:~# echo $SUBJECTS_DIR
root at xubuntu-VirtualBox:~# cd $MNE_ROOT/bin
root at xubuntu-VirtualBox:/media/sf_J_DRIVE/MNE-2.7.4-3436-Linux-i686/bin#
./mne_setup_source_space --ico -6

Setting up the source space with the following parameters:

SUBJECTS_DIR = /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects
Subject      = 014_NJO
Surface      = white
Octahedron subdivision grade 6

>>> 1. Creating the source space file
./mne_setup_source_space: 311: ./mne_setup_source_space:
mne_make_source_space: not found
Source space creation failed
Temporary files removed.


Kousik Sarathy, S
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