[Mne_analysis] saving an stc file with mne-python

William W. Graves william.graves at rutgers.edu
Fri May 2 14:55:07 EDT 2014
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Hi MNE Experts,

In trying to use mne-python to save an stc file, I used to use
mne.write_stc(), but that seems to be deprecated in the latest version. So
now I'm trying to save my output at an stc file this way:

sources = mne.SourceEstimate(data=cond1_subj_stc,
vertices=cond1_subj_stc.vertno, tmin=cond1_subj_stc.tmin,

filename = (data_path + 'w_nw_dSPM_0p1_40Hz')

sources.save(filename, ftype='stc')

But when I do that, the last step gives this error:

In [69]: sources.save(filename, ftype='stc')
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-69-b69543b93fac> in <module>()
----> 1 sources.save(filename, ftype='stc')

/home/wgraves/data/ld_meg/scripts/src/mne/mne/source_estimate.py in
save(self, fname, ftype, verbose)

/home/wgraves/data/ld_meg/scripts/src/mne/mne/utils.py in
verbose(function, *args, **kwargs)
    390         return ret
    391     else:
--> 392         ret = function(*args, **kwargs)
    393         return ret

/home/wgraves/data/ld_meg/scripts/src/mne/mne/source_estimate.py in
save(self, fname, ftype, verbose)
   1012             raise ValueError('ftype must be "stc" or "w", not
"%s"' % ftype)
-> 1014         lh_data = self.data[:len(self.lh_vertno)]
   1015         rh_data = self.data[-len(self.rh_vertno):]

TypeError: 'SourceEstimate' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

My "lh_data" and "rh_data" structures seem fine. For example,
shape(lh_data) gives:
Out[72]: (10242, 707)

I'd really appreciate any help you can give.


William W. Graves, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Smith Hall, Room 337
101 Warren Street, Newark, NJ  07102
Voice: 973-353-3947
Fax: 973-353-1171

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