[Mne_analysis] using SSP projections for eye blink correction and mne_process raw
Alexandre Gramfort
alexandre.gramfort at telecom-paristech.fr
Fri May 23 12:01:59 EDT 2014
hi David,
> My question is regarding the settings : " --projmagrej 4000 --projgradrej
> 3000 --projeegrej 500" what do these setting lmits mean:
> calling the help I get the following:
it's like reject param in Python. Peak to peak difference rejection values
by channel type.
--projmagrej 4000
means igore the epoch/event during which a magnetometer not marked
as bad as a peak to peak difference bigger than 4000 fT
> does this mean rejecting an an eyeblink event above the listed value? If so
> they seem low. Given that these levels are subjecto the recording
> environment/ noise, Are my limits (--projmagrej 4000 --projgradrej 3000
> --projeegrej 500) good ?
yes it sounds reasonable. You need to try on your data and see with
mne_analyze if the SSP vector computed does the job.
btw you can compute these SSP vectors from Python.
and the command line tool which usage could be like this:
mne compute_proj_eog -i sample_audvis_raw.fif --l-freq 1 --h-freq 35
--rej-grad 3000 --rej-mag 4000 --rej-eeg 500
> For reference my rejection criteria when epoching and averaging my data are
> the following :
> grad= 9e-11, # T / m (gradiometers)
> mag = 4.0e-12, # T (magnetometers)
> eeg =150e-6, # (eeg channels)
> Thanks !
> Dave
> David I. Leitman PhD
> Research Assistant Professor
> Department of Psychiatry-
> Neuropsychiatry program
> Perelman School of Medicine
> University of Pennsylvania
> Gates Pavilion 10th floor room 1042
> 3400 Spruce St
> Philadelphia, PA 19104-4283
> P: (215) 662-7389
> F: (215) 662-7903
> E: leitman at mail.med.upenn.edu
> Faculty page: http://www.med.upenn.edu/apps/faculty/index.php/g275/p8174343
> Lab website:
> http://davidileitman.com
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