[Mne_analysis] mne.io.brainvision: "Append" not working

Moritz Tacke moritz.tacke at gmail.com
Sat Nov 29 17:04:51 EST 2014
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I am trying to use mne-python on some brainvision files. The "append" 
command fails on the raw datasets. It seems as if there are some data 
entries missing in the files. I am using a workaround by patching the 
structures. The used function is:

def patchBrainvisionRaw(raw_struct):
     Workaround for appending

     raw_struct._first_samps = numpy.array([raw_struct.first_samp])
     raw_struct._last_samps = numpy.array([raw_struct.last_samp])
     raw_struct._raw_lengths = 1 + raw_struct.last_samp - 
     raw_struct.cals = numpy.array([])
     raw_struct.rawdirs = numpy.array([])
     raw_struct.orig_format = 'int'

Now, the "append" call succeeds. Is there another (maybe: correct) way to 
append two of these raw structs?


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