[Mne_analysis] Pick a channel from the epoch data?

Denis-Alexander Engemann denis.engemann at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 12:03:08 EDT 2014
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Ok. The error message tells you what we just saw: you need to pass the
exact channel name to remove the channel from the data. Why you get an
indexing error when passing a valid channel name is unclear to me. Could
you possibly share a mini-verison of your data. e.g. after croping them to
a few samples e.g. using the .crop method.


2014-10-27 16:57 GMT+01:00 Maria Hakonen <maria.hakonen at gmail.com>:

> Hi Denis,
> That gives
> In [57]: 'MEG0242' in epochs_condition_1.ch_names
> Out[57]: False
> but
> In [58]: 'MEG 0242' in epochs_condition_1.ch_names
> Out[58]: True
> -Maria
> 2014-10-27 17:47 GMT+02:00 Denis-Alexander Engemann <
> denis.engemann at gmail.com>:
>> Hi, Maria,
>> what do you get if you type:
>> 'MEG0242' in epochs_condition_1.ch_names
>> -Denis
>> 2014-10-27 16:44 GMT+01:00 Maria Hakonen <maria.hakonen at gmail.com>:
>>> I think that the space is not the problem because at least in the case
>>> of evoked data 'MEG 0242' works. I also tried condition_1.pick_channels(['MEG0242'])
>>> but got an error:
>>> ----> 1 epochs_condition_1.pick_channels(['MEG0242'])
>>> /home/mhhakone/Downloads/mne-python/mne/channels.pyc in
>>> pick_channels(self, ch_names, copy)
>>>     148
>>>     149         idx = [inst.ch_names.index(c) for c in ch_names if c in
>>> inst.ch_names]
>>> --> 150         inst._pick_drop_channels(idx)
>>>     151
>>>     152         return inst
>>> /home/mhhakone/Downloads/mne-python/mne/channels.pyc in
>>> _pick_drop_channels(self, idx)
>>>     192             self.cals = self.cals[idx]
>>>     193
>>> --> 194         self.info = pick_info(self.info, idx, copy=False)
>>>     195
>>>     196         if inst_has('_projector'):
>>> /home/mhhakone/Downloads/mne-python/mne/io/pick.pyc in pick_info(info,
>>> sel, copy)
>>>     285
>>>     286     if len(sel) == 0:
>>> --> 287         raise ValueError('Warning : No channels match the
>>> selection.')
>>>     288
>>>     289     info['chs'] = [info['chs'][k] for k in sel]
>>> ValueError: Warning : No channels match the selection.
>>> -Maria
>>> 2014-10-27 17:32 GMT+02:00 Laetitia Grabot <laetitia.grabot at gmail.com>:
>>>> You should try without the space between MEG and 0242, like this:
>>>> epochs_condition_1.pick_channels(['MEG0242'])
>>>> Normally it works!
>>>> 2014-10-27 16:22 GMT+01:00 Maria Hakonen <maria.hakonen at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I tried that as:
>>>>> epochs_condition_1.pick_channels(['MEG 0242'])
>>>>> but got an error:
>>>>> ----> 1 epochs_condition_1.pick_channels(['MEG 0242'])
>>>>> /home/mhhakone/Downloads/mne-python/mne/channels.pyc in
>>>>> pick_channels(self, ch_names, copy)
>>>>>     148
>>>>>     149         idx = [inst.ch_names.index(c) for c in ch_names if c
>>>>> in inst.ch_names]
>>>>> --> 150         inst._pick_drop_channels(idx)
>>>>>     151
>>>>>     152         return inst
>>>>> /home/mhhakone/Downloads/mne-python/mne/channels.pyc in
>>>>> _pick_drop_channels(self, idx)
>>>>>     187
>>>>>     188         if inst_has('picks'):
>>>>> --> 189             self.picks = self.picks[idx]
>>>>>     190
>>>>>     191         if inst_has('cals'):
>>>>> IndexError: index 22 out of bounds 0<=index<0
>>>>> Could someone please let me know what I am doing wrong?
>>>>> epochs_condition_1 is:
>>>>> epochs_condition_1
>>>>> Out[40]: <Epochs  |  n_events : 160 (all good), tmin : -0.
>>>>> 0999936018905 (s), tmax : 0.999936018905 (s), baseline :
>>>>> (-0.09999360144138336, 0.0)>
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Maria
>>>>> 2014-10-27 17:02 GMT+02:00 Laetitia Grabot <laetitia.grabot at gmail.com>
>>>>> :
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> There is a method that you can apply to your epochs object to select
>>>>>> a channel:
>>>>>> epochs.pick_channels()
>>>>>> Laetitia
>>>>>> 2014-10-27 15:52 GMT+01:00 Maria Hakonen <maria.hakonen at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I have loaded epochs with mne.read_epochs and would need to pick a
>>>>>>> channel from the epoch data. I wonder if there is any function to do this?
>>>>>>> mne.pick_channels_evoked seems to work for evoked data, but I haven't found
>>>>>>> the corresponding function for epochs.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Maria
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