[Mne_analysis] Grand average of evoked files?
Maria Hakonen
maria.hakonen at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 02:02:50 EDT 2014
Hi all,
Many thanks for the advice!
I used Mainank's solution in a loop as:
sessions = ['s1','s2','s3']
for session in sessions:
subjects = ['mk','ah','mh','li','kk','ak']
flag = 1
for subject in subjects:
filename = subject+"_"+session+"-ave.fif"
evoked = mne.read_evokeds(source_path+filename)
if flag == 1:
evoked_all = evoked[0]
flag = 0
evoked_all = evoked_all+evoked[0]
Each file contain only one condition (sessions), so I think that this works
2014-09-11 20:18 GMT+03:00 Mainak Jas <mainakjas at gmail.com>:
> Hi Maria,
> The simplest solution here is to do:
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 5:31 PM, Maria Hakonen <maria.hakonen at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thank you for answers!
>> I tried Mainak's solution but it gives
>> grand_ave = evoked1+evoked2 +evoked3
> grand_ave:
>> [<Evoked | comment : 'Unknown', time : [-0.099994, 0.499968], n_epochs
>> : 160, n_channels x n_times : 306 x 721>,
>> <Evoked | comment : 'Unknown', time : [-0.099994, 0.499968], n_epochs
>> : 160, n_channels x n_times : 306 x 721>,
>> <Evoked | comment : 'Unknown', time : [-0.099994, 0.499968], n_epochs
>> : 160, n_channels x n_times : 306 x 721>]
>> I think that I should get only one evoked if this works correctly.
> grand_ave = evoked1[0] + evoked2[0] + evoked3[0]
> so that you extract the first element of the list. Or you can read in your
> evoked object using:
> evoked = mne.read_evokeds('filename-ave.fif', 0)
> and then do grand_ave = evoked1 + evoked2 + evoked3
> This should be ok if you know that your files contain only one condition.
> Is that the case?
> Mainak
>> Maybe I should try Stephen's solution if there is no simpler ones.
>> -Maria
>> 2014-09-11 14:58 GMT+03:00 Stephen Politzer-Ahles <spa268 at nyu.edu>:
>>> Hello Maria,
>>> I haven't done this with evoked sensor data, only with STCs. However, as
>>> long as evoked data also have an 'add' method, I imagine something like
>>> this should work for you as well:
>>> stc_avgs = dict()
>>> # get a grand average for each condition (I defined a dictionary of
>>> conditions earlier)
>>> for condition in conditions.keys():
>>> # where all my STCs for each participant in this condition are stored
>>> stcdir = os.environ['SAMPLE'] + '/stcs_ica/' + condition
>>> # template for the names of the STCs (I'm only doing left hemi here)
>>> fname = os.path.join( stcdir, '%s-' + condition + '-free-lh.stc' )
>>> # use a list comprehension to read in the STC for each subject; I
>>> defined a list of participants earlier)
>>> stcs = [mne.read_source_estimate(fname % subject) for subject in
>>> participants]
>>> # math out the grand average
>>> stc_avg = reduce(add, stcs)
>>> stc_avg /= len(stcs)
>>> # put the grand average for this condition into a dictionary of all the
>>> conditions
>>> stc_avg.subject = 'fsaverage'
>>> stc_avgs[condition] = stc_avg
>>> (however, Mainak's solution, if it works, looks much simpler!)
>>> Stephen Politzer-Ahles
>>> New York University, Abu Dhabi
>>> Neuroscience of Language Lab
>>> http://www.nyu.edu/projects/politzer-ahles/
>>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 3:47 PM, Maria Hakonen <maria.hakonen at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I would like to compute a grand average of evoked files.
>>>> It seems to work as: grand_ave = np.mean([evoked1.data, evoked2.data,
>>>> evoked3.data],1)
>>>> However, the problem is that if the evoked data is saved as:
>>>> evoked.save("filename-ave.fif")
>>>> and loaded as:
>>>> evoked = mne.read_evokeds("filename-ave.fif")
>>>> evoked doesn't have attribute data.
>>>> I also tried:
>>>> grand_ave = np.mean([evoked1, evoked2, evoked3],1)
>>>> but this gives an error:
>>>> TypeError Traceback (most recent call
>>>> last)
>>>> /scratch/braindata/mhhakone/intell/<ipython-input-65-f6e26a212f6a> in
>>>> <module>()
>>>> ----> 1 grand_ave = np.mean([evoked1, evoked2, evoked3],1)
>>>> /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.pyc in mean(a,
>>>> axis, dtype, out)
>>>> 2371 mean = a.mean
>>>> 2372 except AttributeError:
>>>> -> 2373 return _wrapit(a, 'mean', axis, dtype, out)
>>>> 2374 return mean(axis, dtype, out)
>>>> 2375
>>>> /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.pyc in
>>>> _wrapit(obj, method, *args, **kwds)
>>>> 35 except AttributeError:
>>>> 36 wrap = None
>>>> ---> 37 result = getattr(asarray(obj),method)(*args, **kwds)
>>>> 38 if wrap:
>>>> 39 if not isinstance(result, mu.ndarray):
>>>> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'Evoked' and 'float'
>>>> How can I get data from -ave.fif files? (The -ave.fif files I have
>>>> saved seems to open correctly in xFit, Matlab and mne_analyze.)
>>>> Or is there some better way to calculate the grand average of -ave.fif
>>>> files?
>>>> Thanks already in advance!
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Maria
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