[Mne_analysis] help: can not install surfer package

brainz brainz at sina.com
Wed Nov 11 21:27:19 EST 2015
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Hi Experts,  

May I ask one question? 
When I tried the example code plot_mne_inverse_psi_visual.py,  
error happened as the following (the error info was highlighted). 
I also tried to install it  using the code "pip install surfer", 
but failed. 

Any responses are anticipated! 
Thank a lot. 

dongyuqing at dongyuqing-K46CB:~$ python plot_mne_inverse_psi_visual.py 

Compute Phase Slope Index (PSI) in source space for a visual stimulus 

This example demonstrates how the Phase Slope Index (PSI) [1] can be computed 
in source space based on single trial dSPM source estimates. In addition, 
the example shows advanced usage of the connectivity estimation routines 
by first extracting a label time course for each epoch and then combining 
the label time course with the single trial source estimates to compute the 

The result clearly shows how the activity in the visual label precedes more 
widespread activity (a postivive PSI means the label time course is leading). 

[1] Nolte et al. "Robustly Estimating the Flow Direction of Information in 
Complex Physical Systems", Physical Review Letters, vol. 100, no. 23, 
pp. 1-4, Jun. 2008. 

/home/dongyuqing/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mne/connectivity/spectral.py:835: UserWarning: fmin corresponds to less than 5 cycles, spectrum estimate will be unreliable 
  warn('fmin corresponds to less than 5 cycles, ' 
/home/dongyuqing/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mne/source_estimate.py:778: UserWarning: Performance can be improved by not accessing the data attribute before calling this method. 
  warnings.warn('Performance can be improved by not accessing ' 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File "plot_mne_inverse_psi_visual.py", line 112, in <module> 
    clim=dict(kind='percent', pos_lims=(95, 97.5, 100))) 
  File "/home/dongyuqing/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mne/source_estimate.py", line 1439, in plot 
  File "/home/dongyuqing/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mne/viz/_3d.py", line 512, in plot_source_estimates 
    from surfer import Brain, TimeViewer 
ImportError: No module named surfer 
dongyuqing at dongyuqing-K46CB:~$ pip install surfer 
Collecting surfer 
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement surfer (from versions: ) 
No matching distribution found for surfer 

Best wishes, 
Junpeng Zhang 
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