[Mne_analysis] Example on SPM Faces dataset - 2 questions

pascarel at dima.unige.it pascarel at dima.unige.it
Thu Oct 1 18:02:31 EDT 2015
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Dear MNE users,

I have two different questions about the example plot_spm_faces_dataset.py.

1) If I run the code and I try to plot the ICA components on time

    >>>  show_picks = numpy.abs(eog_scores).argsort()[::-1][:5]
    >>>  fig1=ica.plot_sources(raw, show_picks, exclude=eog_inds)

    I obtain the figure u find in attachment.
    My question is: why do I see the ref channels?

    In the old mne-python version I had a different layout, as that
    shown in plot_ica_from_raw.py.

    What's wrong?

2) I tried to co-register using mne.gui.coregistration()

    I load the spm sbj and the raw file SPM_CTF_MEG_example_faces1_3D_raw.fif.
    Does this file contain only the fiducial points?

    If yes, when I load the raw file I can't see the fiducials in the gui.

    Where I'm making a mistake?

THKS A LOT for help me.

Best regards,

Dott. Annalisa Pascarella
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M. Picone"
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via dei Taurini 19, 00185 Roma (Italy)
Ph.:+39-0649270946; Fax:+39-064404306
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