[Mne_analysis] EEG channel positions

Rezvan Farahi rezvan.farahi at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 15:23:59 EDT 2016
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I'm trying to interpolate the bad channels but it throws the following
error since chs['loc'][:3] for a few channels is [0,0,0]:
ValueError: 'Could not extract channel positions for 4 channels'

I was wondering what could be the reason for this?

And whether or not it would make sense to use positions from raw.info['dig']
(since I have measured all the EEG channel positions when digitizing)
together with set_channel_positions to set the missing positions?
If so, where can I get more info about the structures inside raw.info['dig']
to make sure which points correspond to the EEG channels
(e.g. don't know what does "kind" value mean there.)

Many thanks,
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