[Mne_analysis] ica.plot_components - No digitization points found

Nico Adelhöfer nico.adelhoefer at st.ovgu.de
Sat Jul 23 07:13:37 EDT 2016
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I run into an error when trying to perform an ICA on my EEG data. The  
error says "No digitization points found." with this warning before:  
"Did not find any electrode locations the info, will attempt to use  
digitization points instead. However, if digitization points do not  
correspond to the EEG electrodes, this will lead to bad results.  
Please verify that the sensor locations in the plot are accurate."
I can't figure out the problem. I created a montage instance like  
shown in the code below. It mostly follows the tutorial on artifact  
correction using ICA.

fpath = 'EDFs/EDFs/'
name = 'rem2'
raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif(fpath+name, preload=True)

montage =  
info = mne.create_info(['EMG l','EMG  
r','E1','E2','F3','F4','C3','C4','O1','O2'], 512, \

picks_eeg = mne.pick_types(info, meg=False, eeg=True, eog=False,  
stim=False, exclude='bads')

n_components = 10
method = 'fastica'
decim = 3

ica = ICA(n_components=n_components, method=method)

reject = dict(mag=5e-12, grad=4000e-13)
ica.fit(raw, picks=picks_eeg, decim=decim, reject=reject)


I would greatly appreciate any help.


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