[Mne_analysis] stc.plot() Error: raise ValueError('time is not the same length as array.shape[1]')

Nakagawa Tristan T nakagawa-t at ifrec.osaka-u.ac.jp
Fri May 13 00:39:30 EDT 2016
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I was confused, sorry. the actual error is:

--> 876             if isinstance(time_label, basestring):

as in:
In [96]: stc.plot()
Updating smoothing matrix, be patient..
Smoothing matrix creation, step 1
Smoothing matrix creation, step 2
Smoothing matrix creation, step 3
Smoothing matrix creation, step 4
Smoothing matrix creation, step 5
Smoothing matrix creation, step 6
Smoothing matrix creation, step 7
Smoothing matrix creation, step 8
Smoothing matrix creation, step 9
Smoothing matrix creation, step 10
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-96-2a3e72fcca14> in <module>()
----> 1 stc.plot()

in plot(self, subject, surface, hemi, colormap, time_label,
smoothing_steps, transparent, alpha, time_viewer, config_opts,
subjects_dir, figure, views, colorbar, clim)
   1376                                       subjects_dir=subjects_dir,
   1377                                       views=views,
-> 1378                                       clim=clim)
   1379         return brain

in plot_source_estimates(stc, subject, surface, hemi, colormap,
time_label, smoothing_steps, transparent, alpha, time_viewer,
config_opts, subjects_dir, figure, views, colorbar, clim)
    747                            smoothing_steps=smoothing_steps,
    748                            time_label=time_label, alpha=alpha,
--> 749                            colorbar=colorbar)
    751         # scale colormap and set time (index) to display

/home/tristan/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/surfer/viz.py in
add_data(self, array, min, max, thresh, colormap, alpha, vertices,
smoothing_steps, time, time_label, colorbar, hemi, remove_existing,
    874                 raise ValueError('time is not the same length as '
    875                                  'array.shape[1]')
--> 876             if isinstance(time_label, basestring):
    877                 time_label_fmt = time_label
    878                 time_label = lambda x: time_label_fmt % x

NameError: name 'basestring' is not defined

In [97]: stc.time_label
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-97-3f447cdfe95d> in <module>()
----> 1 stc.time_label

AttributeError: 'SourceEstimate' object has no attribute 'time_label'

On 2016年05月13日 11:54, Nakagawa Tristan T wrote:
> Hi,
> I get this error when trying to plot my source estimates:
> stc.plot()  Error: raise ValueError('time is not the same length as
> array.shape[1]')
> however,
> stc: <SourceEstimate  |  10629 vertices, subject : S23, tmin : -1100.0
> (ms), tmax : 1000.0 (ms), tstep : 1.0 (ms), data size : 10629 x 2101>
> In [93]:   stc.times.shape
> Out[93]: (2101,)
> In [94]:   stc.shape
> Out[94]: (10629, 2101)
> Here is one of the hemispheres stc:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/d3vvmy79gddvuev/grad_CS-lh.stc?dl=0
> Any ideas?
> I just installed mayavi 4.4.4 with vtk 7.0 on python3, not sure if that
> might cause problems, but the error doesn't look like it.
> Thanks,
> Tristan

Tristan T. Nakagawa, Ph.D.
Laboratory for Brain-Immune Interaction,
iFReC, Osaka University 
3-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka, Japan
Tel: 0668789710
Office: CiNet R 2B6-2

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