[Mne_analysis] difference between Raw.plot_psd and plot via computing psd and freq by psd_multitaper

chanderler mei semsociaty at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 13:56:36 EDT 2016
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Hi all,

I am trying to plot the power spectral density of 6 EEG channels
(F3,F4,C3,C4,O1,O2), but Raw.plot_psd gives me a very different plot
compared to plotting the freq and psd computed by psd_multitaper. Here is
the code:



psds = 10*np.log10(psds)
psds_mean = psds.mean(0)
psds_std = psds.std(0)

ax.fill_between(freqs,psds_mean - psds_std, psds_mean + psds_std,color='k',

Here are the graphs:

[image: Inline image 2][image: Inline image 1]
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