[Mne_analysis] running ICA on eeg data - kernel failing

Sammi Chekroud sammi.r.chekroud at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 03:54:38 EDT 2017
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Hi all,

I'm new to mne so sorry if this is a noob question, but for some reason
both ICA and interpolate_bads seem to keep breaking down my python kernel
when i try to run them. Any suggestions? more details below (including code

- running version 0.14dev0 to read the cnt format as that didn't work on
the stable version initially
- reading EEG data from the CNT format:

*data = mne.io.read_raw_cnt(fname, montage = 'standard_1005', date_format =
'dd/mm/yy', eog = ['VEOG', 'HEOG'], misc = ['RM'], preload = True)*

- rereferencing (to 'RM' channel) and resampling to 250hz, then filtering
between 0.1 and 40Hz

*# I know this is creating new vars, but this is deliberate*

*reref = data.set_eeg_reference(ref_channels = ['RM'])*

*resamp = reref.resample(250)*
*filtered = resamp.filter(0.1,40)*

it will extract events and epoch data properly, e.g.

*encodingEpochs = mne.Epochs(filtered, events, events_encode, tmin, tmax,
baseline = baseline, preload = True)*

if I try to ICA on either the filtered data:

*ica = mne.preprocessing.ICA(n_components=0.95).fit(filtered)*

or on the epoched data:

*ica = mne.preprocessing.ICA(n_components=0.95).fit(encodingEpochs)*

then I get the following:

Fitting ICA to data using 61 channels
Please be patient, this may take some time
Inferring max_pca_components from picks

*It seems the kernel died unexpectedly. Use 'Restart Kernel' to continue
using this console*
this also happens if I try to interpolate bad channels, e.g.:

Sorry for the potentially excessive info, but hope it clarifies the problem
that I'm having! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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