[Mne_analysis] Indexing the nth epoch of a condition

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 10:20:30 EDT 2017
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> evokeds[subject] = {cond: epochs[subject][cond][0].average() for cond in
> conditions}
> ...only returns a single epoch. Sorry for the miscommunication.
Can you be a bit clearer about what you mean by "returns"? Which variables
are what length? For example, if evokeds[subject] is a length-1 dictionary
(what I think you're saying), this is only possible if `conditions` is
itself also length 1. But every entry in the `evokeds[subject]` dict should
be an Evoked instance with `nave==1`, namely the first (valid) epoch from
that condition, which is what I think you're trying to get.

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