[Mne_analysis] KIT layout for plots
Yi-hui Hung
vedahung1116 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 26 22:36:59 EST 2017
Hi MNE experts,
I used KIT system for MEG data recording.
MEG data were imported to mne with two following functions:
raw = mne.io.kit.read_raw_kit(file, stim = [200],preload=True)
kit_lay = mne.channels.layout.read_layout('KIT-TW-157.lout')
However,I had problems with two following functions:
(1) ica.plot_properties(epochs, i)
error message: "the KIT system with ID 261 is missing"
(2) mne.viz.plot_evoked_topo(evokeds, layout=kit_lay)
no error message but caused the program to crash
Your suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks!
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