[Mne_analysis] mne.io.Raw filter function. Type error: ...must have a dtype of np.float64,

Ilias Koen ilias.koen at dukodestudio.com
Sun Apr 1 21:04:44 EDT 2018
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Here is the sample code with random data generated - based on the 

# coding: utf-8

# # case-study filtering

# In[712]:

get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')

# In[2]:

import boto3
import io
import ast
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ast
import datetime
import mne
import ast
import time
import sys


# ### generate random data

# In[44]:

eeg = np.random.randint(100, size=(1, 512)).astype(float)
eog = np.random.randint(2, size=(1, 512)).astype(float)
stim = np.random.randint(1, size=(1, 512)).astype(float)


# ### create the raw objects and plot

# In[46]:

# EEG object
# Names for each channel
channel_names = ['EEG1']
# The type (mag, grad, eeg, eog, misc, ...) of each channel
channel_types = ['eeg']
# The sampling rate of the recording
sfreq = 512  # in Hertz
n_channels = 1
sampling_rate = 512
verbose = 1
#montage = 'None'
# Initialize required fields
info_EEG = mne.create_info(channel_names, sfreq, 
# Add some more information
info_EEG['description'] = '[description]'
# create the mne raw array
data_EEG = mne.io.RawArray(eeg, info_EEG)

# EOG object
############################EOG INFO
channel_names = ['EOG']
channel_types = ['eog']
sfreq = 512  # in Hertz
n_channels = 1
sampling_rate = 512
verbose = 1
montage = 'None' ## this is the default
info_EOG = mne.create_info(channel_names, sfreq, 
############################EOG RAW
# create the mne raw array
data_EOG = mne.io.RawArray(eog, info_EOG)

# STI object
channel_names = ['STI1']
channel_types = ['stim']
sfreq = 512  # in Hertz
n_channels = 1
sampling_rate = 512
verbose = 1
montage = 'None' ## this is the default
# Initialize required fields
info_STI = mne.create_info(channel_names, sfreq, 
# create the mne raw array
data_STI = mne.io.RawArray(stim, info_STI)

# combine channels
data_EEG.add_channels([data_EOG, data_STI], force_update_info=True)

# plot
scale = dict(eeg=eeg.max(), eog=eog.max(),stim=stim.max())
color = dict(eeg='k', eog='b', stim='m')
duration = data_EEG.__len__()/512
# duration = 30
fig = mne.viz.plot_raw(data_EEG,n_channels=3, duration= duration, 
color=color, block=True, show=False, scalings=scale, clipping='clamp')

# mne.find_events(raw, stim_channel=None, output='onset', 
consecutive='increasing', min_duration=0, shortest_event=2, mask=None, 
uint_cast=False, mask_type=None, verbose=None)[source]¶

# In[47]:

iter_freqs = [
     ('Theta', 4., 7.),
     ('Alpha', 8., 12.),
     ('Beta', 13., 25.),
     ('Gamma', 30., 45.)


# set epoching parameters
event_id = dict(note=1)
tmin, tmax = -0.1, 0
baseline = None

# get the header to extract events
# data_EEG = mne.io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=False)
# events = mne.find_events(data_EEG, stim_channel='STI 014')
events = mne.find_events(data_EEG, stim_channel='STI1')

frequency_map = list()

for band, fmin, fmax in iter_freqs:
     print("Band "+ band + " fmin: "+ str(fmin) + " fmax: " + str(fmax))
     # (re)load the data to save memory
#     raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True)
     data_EEG.pick_types(eeg=True, eog=False, stim=True)

#   #bandpass filter and compute Hilbert ---> here is where it breaks 
error TypeError: Arrays passed for filtering must have a dtype of np.float64
     data_EEG.filter(fmin, fmax, n_jobs=1,  # use more jobs to speed up.
                l_trans_bandwidth=1.0,  # make sure filter params are 
the same
                h_trans_bandwidth=1.0,  # in each band and skip "auto" 

     data_EEG.apply_hilbert(n_jobs=1, envelope=False)

     epochs = mne.Epochs(data_EEG, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, 
baseline=baseline, reject=None, preload=True)
     # remove evoked response and get analytic signal (envelope)
     epochs.subtract_evoked()  # for this we need to construct new epochs.
     epochs = mne.EpochsArray(data=np.abs(epochs.get_data()), 
info=epochs.info, tmin=epochs.tmin)
     # now average and move on
     frequency_map.append(((band, fmin, fmax), epochs.average()))

# In[726]:

from mne.baseline import rescale
from mne.stats import _bootstrap_ci

ig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(10, 7), sharex=True, sharey=True)
colors = plt.get_cmap('winter_r')(np.linspace(0, 1, 4))
for ((freq_name, fmin, fmax), average), color, ax in zip(
         frequency_map, colors, axes.ravel()[::-1]):
     times = average.times * 1e3
     gfp = np.sum(average.data ** 2, axis=0)
     gfp = mne.baseline.rescale(gfp, times, baseline=(None, 0))
     ax.plot(times, gfp, label=freq_name, color=color, linewidth=2.5)
     ax.axhline(0, linestyle='--', color='grey', linewidth=2)
     ci_low, ci_up = _bootstrap_ci(average.data, random_state=0,
                                   stat_fun=lambda x: np.sum(x ** 2, 
     ci_low = rescale(ci_low, average.times, baseline=(None, 0))
     ci_up = rescale(ci_up, average.times, baseline=(None, 0))
     ax.fill_between(times, gfp + ci_up, gfp - ci_low, color=color, 
     ax.annotate('%s (%d-%dHz)' % (freq_name, fmin, fmax),
                 xy=(0.95, 0.8),
                 xycoords='axes fraction')
     ax.set_xlim(-1000, 3000)

axes.ravel()[-1].set_xlabel('Time [ms]')


On 3/31/18 7:10 PM, Ilias Koen wrote:
> Hello MNE list,
> We are getting an error related to the dtype of the data when running 
> the mne.io.Raw filter function.
> To give some context of our process,
>  1. We are generating the raw objects from scratch. The data
>     generating the raw object are in the form of  dtype('float64')
>  2. So we end up with 3 channels 'eeg', 'eog' and 'stim'
>     [OUT]
>     Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=1, n_times=116736
>          Range : 0 ... 116735 =      0.000 ...   227.998 secs
>     Ready.
>     Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=1, n_times=116736
>          Range : 0 ... 116735 =      0.000 ...   227.998 secs
>     Ready.
>     228
>     Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=1, n_times=116736
>          Range : 0 ... 116735 =      0.000 ...   227.998 secs
>     Ready.
>  3. We then append all channels into the raw ['eeg'] object.
>  4. Now when attempting to run the filter function (The code below is
>     also in the MNE example repo
>     http://mne-tools.github.io/stable/auto_examples/time_frequency/plot_time_frequency_global_field_power.html
>     '''
>     #   bandpass filter and compute Hilbert
>     /raw.filter(fmin, fmax, n_jobs=1, l_trans_bandwidth=1.0,
>     h_trans_bandwidth=1.0, fir_design='firwin')/
>     '''
>     we are getting the following error:
>     [OUT]
> TypeError: Arrays passed for filtering must have a dtype of np.float64
>   Do you have any hints why the filter function is unable to process 
> the data?
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