[Mne_analysis] error with interpolate_bads

Sophie Herbst ksherbst at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 20 04:56:40 EST 2018
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Dear list,
I am running into errors when trying to interpolate bad channels.
I have tried it on different versions of my M/EEG data, but the problem is
there from the raw import (data recorded at Neurospin). Running
interpolate_bads on freshly imported data (no maxfilter applied) gives the
errors below. Same after applying Maxfilter (and adding a bad MEG channel).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best, Sophie

*Picking either meg, mag or grad:*
line 710, in einsum_path
"not match previous terms.", char, tnum)

ValueError: ("Size of label '%s' for operand %d does not match previous
terms.", 'i', 1)

*Picking EEG:*
line 252, in _minimize_cobyla
rhoend=rhoend, iprint=iprint, maxfun=maxfun,

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'iprint' referenced before assignment
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