[Mne_analysis] Corrmap indices

victor ferat victor.ferat at live.fr
Wed Feb 28 10:23:17 EST 2018
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Dear List,

I am currently using MNE for a neurofeedback application. I would like to use ICA to reduce artefact in real time. Since I do not have any EOG/ECG electrode, I would like to use the corrmap method to detect artefact components.
I followed the workflow explain in the example:

icas = [reference_ica] + [ica]

template = (0, eog_inds[0])
fig_template, fig_detected = corrmap<https://www.martinos.org/mne/stable/generated/mne.preprocessing.corrmap.html#mne.preprocessing.corrmap>(icas, template=template, label="blinks",
                                     show=True, threshold=.8, ch_type='mag' )

How can I obtain the number ( Ica number and Component indice ) of  detected similar ICAs in order to exclude them from my signal ?
Next I would like to do something like

ica.exclude.extend(component indice)

raw_copy = raw.copy()


Any help to solve this would be appreciated,

Neurosicence M2 Student, France

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