[Mne_analysis] baseline correction for power

Servant Mathieu servant.mathieu at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 14:10:22 EST 2018
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I am a little confused about baseline correction options in mne.
I've just computed tfr_morlet to extract power averaged across epochs using:

power = tfr_morlet(epochs_condition1_corr, freqs=freqs,
n_cycles=n_cycles,return_itc = False, average = True)
where epochs_condition1 is a EpochsArray object.

I'd like to perform two different types of baseline correction recommended
in the litterature:

1) percent change: 100*(activity-baseline)/baseline. I thought
power.apply_baseline(baseline_length, model = 'percent') would do the job,
but according to the help, 'percent is the same as applying ratio then
mean'. So 'percent' seems to compute  activity/baseline - baseline, which
is not the same.
2) db: 10* log10 (activity/baseline). Is there an automatic way to do this?

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