[Mne_analysis] Fwd: Problems with interpolation (newbie question)

Егор Сысоев egor.sysoev2002 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 11:17:04 EDT 2019
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Hi everybody,
Earlier I asked about a problem I was having with interpolation of EEG
channels and one of the answers fixed my problem (.pick_types(eeg=True,
exclude=())). However, there is apparently another problem with the same
The error is:

ValueError: Could not extract channel positions for 72 channels

Here is a simplified version of the code, which still gives the same error:

import mne
data = '...\\NPh1.bdf' #path to file
raw = mne.io.read_raw_bdf(data, preload=True)

Info = raw.info
Info['bads'] = ['FC3']

raw.copy().pick_types(eeg=True, exclude=()).interpolate_bads()

The raw.info can be seen in the forwarded message below.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
От: Егор Сысоев <egor.sysoev2002 at gmail.com>
Date: чт, 22 авг. 2019 г. в 23:12
Subject: Problems with interpolation (newbie question)
To: <mne_analysis at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

Hi everybody,
I'm new to MNE analysis. I'm trying to interpolate bad channels in EEG
(BioSemi) data, but there seems to be an error.
The raw.info looks like this:

<Info | 16 non-empty fields
    bads : list | FC3
    ch_names : list | Fp1, AF7, AF3, F1, F3, F5, F7, FT7, FC5, ...
    chs : list | 73 items (EEG: 72, STIM: 1)
    comps : list | 0 items
    custom_ref_applied : bool | False
    dev_head_t : Transform | 3 items
    events : list | 0 items
    highpass : float | 0.0 Hz
    hpi_meas : list | 0 items
    hpi_results : list | 0 items
    lowpass : float | 104.0 Hz
    meas_date : tuple | 2015-09-01 13:51:14 GMT
    nchan : int | 73
    proc_history : list | 0 items
    projs : list | 0 items
    sfreq : float | 512.0 Hz
    acq_pars : NoneType
    acq_stim : NoneType
    ctf_head_t : NoneType
    description : NoneType
    dev_ctf_t : NoneType
    dig : NoneType
    experimenter : NoneType
    file_id : NoneType
    gantry_angle : NoneType
    hpi_subsystem : NoneType
    kit_system_id : NoneType
    line_freq : NoneType
    meas_id : NoneType
    proj_id : NoneType
    proj_name : NoneType
    subject_info : NoneType
    xplotter_layout : NoneType

 And the error\warning when I write
"raw.copy().pick_types(eeg=True).interpolate_bads()" is this:

<ipython-input-21-28f155242753>:1: RuntimeWarning: No bad channels to
interpolate. Doing nothing...

 As can be seen from the raw.info, there is one bad channel, and I
can't figure out what the problem is.

Best regards,

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