[Mne_analysis] Part-time Job Researching Source Localization on Muse Headset - Anywhere in the world

Meaning meaning at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 12:24:44 EDT 2019
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We are building a web app to use the Muse headset for large N crowd-sourced
research into meditation training. The most important ROIs for meditation
all lie along the medial plane.  We are looking for someone to conduct
experiments to find the best source localization algorithms to get to the
PCC, ACC, Insulae, or just the DMN with the Muse headset. 


The Muse can pick-up up signals at Fp1, Fp2, TP9, TP12, and PZ.  The
proposed experiment is to take a 19+ channel recording, delete all but these
five sites, and see how much detail is left with only five recording sites.
Clearly, this is going in the opposite direction of source space research
which has been all about getting more precision.  But if it is possible to
get workable localization through LORETA, Beamformer, or whatever, it opens
doors for some very large N crowdsourced science.  



Mark McDonough at meaning at gmail.com <mailto:meaning at gmail.com> .

You can do this job assignment from anywhere in the world on whatever
schedule works for you. 


- Mark McDonough

Consider the possibility that there are no devils, only angels pushing us to
our true purpose that we are resisting.

The only things worth doing are those that add more love to the world. 



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