[Mne_analysis] Frequency analysis

Bastien Lechat bastien.lechat at flinders.edu.au
Thu Aug 29 20:16:39 EDT 2019
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Dear MNE team,

First of all, thank you for your hard work.

I am comparing different methods for EEG frequency analysis, and I have the following question/suggestions:

  *   in "psd_array_multitaper" the user can decide to normalize the PSD by N or N*Fs, however in "psd_array_welch" such choice is not available. Is this the wanted behaviour ? "psd_array_welch" is normalize with N*Fs (default of scipy spectrogram I believe)
  *   In "psd_array_welch", the type of windowing is restrained to 'hamming' windows. Would it be possible to add an argument to choose it ?
  *   I am not very familiar with stockwell transform, but is it possible to get a spectrogram out of it ? I wanted to compare it with the other methods.



College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University

Bastien Lechat
Ph.D Student

Adelaide Institute of Sleep Health
E: bastien.lechat at flinders.edu.au
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