[Mne_analysis] Setting digitization points

Manoj Kovvuru manoj.kovvuru at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 01:38:53 EST 2019
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I want to create topomap for the dataset "EEG Motor Movement/Imagery
Dataset" (doi: 10.13026/C28G6P).  I am getting error that no digitization
points are found.

So I tried to *set_montage*. I got error that *"ValueError:* None of the
sensors defined in the montage were found in the info structure. Check the
channel names." As per documentation, 64 electrodes as per the
international *10-10 system* (excluding electrodes Nz, F9, F10, FT9, FT10,
A1, A2, TP9, TP10, P9, and P10) were used.

Can you please help me to create digitization points so that I can create
topomaps of raw signal.

Thank you

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