[Mne_analysis] problem with reading raw data

Xiaoping Fang xpfang4 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 11:14:15 EDT 2019
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I have trouble reading some of my raw data files. They seem pretty random
-- two are empty room recordings from two different participants recorded
at the end of the session, three are task files, while the other files are
fine. The error is "file does not start with a file id tag". Below are the
details. Could you help me with this? Thank you very much!

Link to one of the data files:


Opening raw data file EmptyRoom_raw.fif...

                               Traceback (most recent call
last)<ipython-input-87-3e7740fb39a4> in <module>      6
fname_projs = "erm-proj.fif"      7     fname_erm_wproj =
"EmptyRoom_wproj_raw.fif"----> 8     raw_erm =
mne.io.read_raw_fif(fname_erm, preload=True)      9
raw_erm.add_proj([],remove_existing=True)     10
raw_erm.info['bads'] = ['MEG0432','MEG2233','MEG2543']
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mne/io/fiff/raw.py in
read_raw_fif(fname, allow_maxshield, preload, verbose)    468     """
  469     return Raw(fname=fname, allow_maxshield=allow_maxshield,-->
470                preload=preload,
in __init__(self, fname, allow_maxshield, preload, verbose)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mne/utils/_logging.py in
wrapper(*args, **kwargs)     87             with
use_log_level(verbose_level):     88                 return
function(*args, **kwargs)---> 89         return function(*args,
**kwargs)     90     return FunctionMaker.create(     91
function, 'return decfunc(%(signature)s)',
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mne/io/fiff/raw.py in
__init__(self, fname, allow_maxshield, preload, verbose)     83
     raw, next_fname, buffer_size_sec = \     84
self._read_raw_file(next_fname, allow_maxshield,---> 85
                     preload, do_check_fname)     86
do_check_fname = False     87             raws.append(raw)
in _read_raw_file(self, fname, allow_maxshield, preload,
do_check_fname, verbose)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mne/utils/_logging.py in
wrapper(*args, **kwargs)     87             with
use_log_level(verbose_level):     88                 return
function(*args, **kwargs)---> 89         return function(*args,
**kwargs)     90     return FunctionMaker.create(     91
function, 'return decfunc(%(signature)s)',
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mne/io/fiff/raw.py in
_read_raw_file(self, fname, allow_maxshield, preload, do_check_fname,
verbose)    151             whole_file = True    152         fname_rep
= _get_fname_rep(fname)--> 153         ff, tree, _ = fiff_open(fname,
preload=whole_file)    154         with ff as fid:    155
#   Read the measurement info
in fiff_open(fname, preload, verbose)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mne/utils/_logging.py in
wrapper(*args, **kwargs)     87             with
use_log_level(verbose_level):     88                 return
function(*args, **kwargs)---> 89         return function(*args,
**kwargs)     90     return FunctionMaker.create(     91
function, 'return decfunc(%(signature)s)',
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mne/io/open.py in
fiff_open(fname, preload, verbose)    129     #   Check that this
looks like a fif file    130     if tag.kind != FIFF.FIFF_FILE_ID:-->
131         raise ValueError('file does not start with a file id tag')
   132     133     if tag.type != FIFF.FIFFT_ID_STRUCT:
ValueError: file does not start with a file id tag


Xiaoping Fang

Graduate Student - Psychology
Learning Research and Development Center
Center for Neural Basis of Cognition
University of Pittsburgh
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