[Mne_analysis] Cluster Analysis for Time-Frequency Data

Alexandre Gramfort alexandre.gramfort at inria.fr
Fri May 3 13:02:45 EDT 2019
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Did you look at the statistics image that get thresholded ?

I doubt any of us has the time to edit your script to test it on a public
dataset. Can you try to make a minimal example that uses a public
dataset shared with MNE?


On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 2:06 PM Maryam Zolfaghar <
Maryam.Zolfaghar at colorado.edu> wrote:

>         External Email - Use Caution
> Hi all,
> I have used *spatio_temporal_cluster_1samp_test* on my
> time-frequency data (power (EpochsTFR) with a shape:[epochs X chan X freqs
> X time] ). I have read the cited paper (MarisOostenveld07) for the
> permutation tests. However, it is still not clear to me what these
> functions are exactly doing. I have confused about the cluster analysis
> after seeing my plots. I have attached parts of my code and my results to
> this email.
> [image: timefreq_stat.png]
> The first row shows the power activities and the second row shows the
> p-values of the cluster analysis (red points are significant points). I
> would be thankful if someone can give me some general explanation of these
> functions. Is it normal to see a high non-significant activity and low but
> significant activity based on the permutation cluster analysis?
> Thank you,
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