[Mne_analysis] maxfilter for head movement compensation only

Evgenii Kalenkovich e.kalenkovich at gmail.com
Sun May 5 04:17:34 EDT 2019
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Dear all,

I would like to use maxfilter for head movement compensation only and skip
the filtering bits.

There are two parts to this as I understand: head position extraction and
the actual compensation. I have several overlapping questions about both

   1. Head position extraction using Electa's MaxFilter
      1. Is this step sensitive to noisy/flat channels if I only need head
      2. Is it necessary/advised to use -cal and -ctc files for this
   2. Head movement compensation using mne-python's maxwell_filter
   1. Is this step sensitive to noisy/flat channels if I only do movement
      2. Is it necessary/advised to use the fine calibration and cross-talk
      cancellation files for this?
      3. What parameters should I supply to maxwell_filter to limit it to
      head movement compensation?

The reason I don't want the filtering done by MaxFilter/maxwell_filter is
that I would like to avoid manually selecting bad channels. Which, in turn,
I want to avoid to keep the analysis reproducible on new data. I remove bad
channels/epochs at a later stage using the autoreject package.

Thank you for any advice,

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