[Mne_analysis] Noise > 50 Hz in IC's, despite filtering
Dillan Cellier
cellierdillan at gmail.com
Tue May 21 10:29:23 EDT 2019
External Email - Use Caution
Hello MNE community,
I have a question related to the screenshot below. In my preprocessing
script I've gone through the following steps:
-Import raw data with *raw=mne.io.read_raw_egi(raw_file,
-filter data with *raw.filter(1,50)*
-interpolating bad electrodes: *raw.interpolate_bads()*
-rereferencing with a global avg with *mne.set_eeg_reference(raw,
ref_channels=scalp_electrodes+ext_electrodes) *
-then, *ica = ICA(n_components=90,random_state=25)*
I've also tried running it with *method=infomax*, but the problem still
persists of high-frequency noise in several IC's in every subject. This is
despite the high and low pass filtering mentioned above.
Any thoughts as to why I might still be seeing this would be greatly
Thank you!
Best wishes,
Dillan Cellier
[image: Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at 12.00.07 PM.png]
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