[Mne_analysis] help with defining new events based on other event timing

Justin Murphy justin.murphy at vuw.ac.nz
Wed Oct 23 03:27:37 EDT 2019
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Hi MNErs.
I’m rather new to MNE, and am used to working with brainvision instead.
I can not figure out to create a new event based on whether other specific events are in a specifed
Proximity (is there a function to do this?). I see there is merge events but this does not seem to
provide what I need.

To explain, I have loads of stimulus locked triggers which are sent by a light stimulus so are perfect fortiming – this Is what I want to timelock my ERPs to. However, the light stimulus is always called the same event, e.g., ‘lightsensor’.
In Brainvision, I would create my segments based on the subsequent triggers/events, as they tell me what stimulus the light sensor relates to.

e.g., on every trial, I have  ‘Lightsensor’ followed within 100ms by either ‘Negative’ or “neutral’.

How do I create an event so that the lightsensor is can be coded as ‘Negative’ and ‘Neutral’ when appropriate?

Thank you!

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