[Mne_analysis] Morph dipole to fsaverage brain

Marijn van Vliet marijn.vanvliet at aalto.fi
Wed Aug 26 07:41:06 EDT 2020
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Dear MNE-Python community,

I have a bunch of dipoles that were fitted in the brains of several subjects. 
Now I want to visualize the locations of all these dipoles in a shared brain.
Is there a way to morph the positions of the dipoles from the individual 
subjects to a template brain, for example fsaverage?

I see that there is a head_to_mni function that will convert the position to MNI 
space. That is close, but does not match fsaverage space. Or is there a way to 
visualize the MNI brain in a 3d sort of way (not MRI image slices)?


Marijn van Vliet
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering
Aalto University, Finland

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