[Mne_analysis] ValueError: Input 0 of layer sequential_21 is incompatible with the layer: : expected min_ndim=3, found ndim=2. Full shape received: [1, 1]

Bhuvaneshwari M bhvnshwari at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 23:14:41 EDT 2020
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Hi everyone,
    I am new to python-EEG signal processing. Can you please help me to
sort out the following issue for the dataset of input  size (199603,16) and
target label in 17th column. It would be great help if someone interprets
this issue.

ValueError: in user code:
train_function * return step_function(self, iterator)
step_function ** outputs = model.distribute_strategy.run(run_step,
run return self._extended.call_for_each_replica(fn, args=args,
call_for_each_replica return self._call_for_each_replica(fn, args, kwargs)
_call_for_each_replica return fn(*args, **kwargs)
run_step ** outputs = model.train_step(data)
train_step y_pred = self(x, training=True)
__call__ self.name)
assert_input_compatibility str(x.shape.as_list())) ValueError: Input 0 of
layer sequential_21 is incompatible with the layer: : expected min_ndim=3,
found ndim=2. Full shape received: [1, 1]

*Research Scholar,*
*Karunya Institute of technology and Sciences*

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